Built & Digital Heritage

  • Built Heritage

    Our heritage consultation services can help you to assess the significance and value of your historical and cultural materials. Our team will work with you to develop a strategy for the preservation, interpretation, and management of your culturally significant buildings and structures. These services are crucial for maintaining the integrity of architectural heritage, conserving cultural identity, and ensuring the sustainable use of historic assets.

  • Heritage Collections

    Our work focuses on the digitisation, preservation, management, and curation of cultural and historical collections to make them more accessible to a wider audience. This may include artifacts, documents, imagery, artworks, and other significant items. These services are essential for maintaining the integrity of cultural heritage, ensuring access for future generations, and promoting the educational and research value of these collections.

Heritage Assessment and Research

Archival Documentation

Heritage Impact Assessment

Condition Assessment and Remediation

Conservation Management Plans

3D Lidar Scanning

Photogrammetric Ground & Drone Survey

GIS Services

Heritage Maintenance

Risk Assessment and Disaster Preparedness

2D & 3D Digitisation

Inventory, Cataloguing and Metadata

Collection Access and Outreach

Collection Assessment and Management

Risk Assessment and Disaster Preparedness

Oral History Projects

Interpretation Design

Curation and Exhibition Design

Object Restoration

Web Based Services